It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Double Bass Accompaniment) -

It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Double Bass Accompaniment)

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Song Name: It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Double Bass Accompaniment) By: Richard Storrs Willis & Edward Hamilton Sears
Posted By: EarthDogHarpin Difficulty: Beginner
Key: Bb Genre: Christmas
Harp Type: Any Audio: It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Double Bass Accompaniment)
Created: 2012-12-14 10:31:43 Modified: 2012-12-14 10:31:43
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
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It Came Upon the Midnight Clear (Double Bass Accompaniment)
Music by Richard Storrs Willis
Words by Edward Hamilton Sears
Key of Bb Major    Range: C2 to Bb2
For EITHER a Hohner 265 OR a Suzuki SDB-29 Double Bass Harmonica.

The Double Bass Harmonica is a blow only instrument.
L = lower harp    u = upper harp    ___ - hold

1. It    came    up-on___ the    mid - night clear,
2. Still through the clo_-ven    skies they  come,
3. Yet   with    the woes of     sin   and   strife,
4. And   ye,     be-neath life’s crush-ing   load,
5. For   lo!    The days_ are    hast-ening  on
         u11_______ u7__________ u11_______

1. That  glo___-rious song of    old,__
2. With  peac__-ful  wings un - furled,
3. The   world_ has  suf_- fered long,_
4. Whose forms_ are  bend_–ing   low,__
5. By    pro___–phet bards fore- told,_
         u7_________ L6_________ L9__

1. From an – gels  bend-ing near   the   earth,
2. And still their heav-en – ly    music floats,
3. Be – neath the  an__–gel-strain have  rolled ,
4. Why  toil  a_ - long the clim – bing  way,
5. When with the   ev__–er  circl- ing   years,
        u11_______ u7______ u11________
1. To    touch their harps of gold:
2. O’er  all   the   wea – ry world;
3. Two   thou -sand  years of wrong;
4. With  wear –ry    steps and slow
5. Comes round the   Age   of  Gold,
         u7_________ L9_______ u11__

1. ‘Peace on    the   earth, good-will to    men,
2.  A  –  bove  its   sad    and  lone-ly    plains,
3.  And   man,  at    war    with man, hears not,
4. Look   up!_  For   glad   and  gol– den   hours,
5. When   peace shall o__ -  ver  all  the   earth,
          L7_________             L10_______           
1. From heav’n’s all  gra__- cious King!
2. They bend___  on   hov__- ering wing,
3. The  love___- song which_ they  bring.
4. Come swift__– ly   on____ the   wing;
5. Its  an_____-cient splen-dors  fling,
        L6___________ L6_________ L9_____

1. The world in  sol__- emn  still-ness lay,
2. And ev___-er  o’er   its  Ba__- bel  sounds,
3. O   hush_ the noise, ye   men_  of   strife,
4. O   rest_ be– side__ the  wear- y    road,
5. And the_ whole world give back_ the  song,
       u11______  u7________ u11______

1. To    hear the an__-gels sing._
2. The   bles-sed an__-gels sing._
3. And   hear the an__-gels sing._
4. And   hear the an__-gels sing._
5. Which now the  an__-gels sing._
         u7______ L9_______ u11___


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