O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Diatonic Solos) - HarpTabs.com

O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Diatonic Solos)

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Song Name: O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Diatonic Solos) By: Lewis Henry Redner & Phillips Brooks
Posted By: EarthDogHarpin Difficulty: Any
Key: G Genre: Christmas
Harp Type: Diatonic Audio: O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Diatonic Solos)
Created: 2012-12-20 16:04:06 Modified: 2012-12-20 16:04:06
Rating: Login to VoteAvg Rating:More Votes Needed
Fav Count:2

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O Little Town Of Bethlehem (Diatonic Solos)
Music by Lewis Henry Redner    Words by Phillips Brooks
Key of G Major
Tabbed for a G Major Richter Tuned diatonic in 1st position.
Works well on other keys of Richter Tuned diatonics, too.

Tab notations:
none = blow    - = draw    ” = full step bend
ob = overblow    ___ = hold; sustain

An octave high:

    8   8     8   8ob   8  9    -9 -6
1.  O   Lit - tle Town  Of Beth-le-hem,
2. For Christ is  born  of Ma__ -  ry
3.  O   ho  - ly  Child of Beth-le-hem,

   -8  7     -7_7 -8  6    8___
1. How still we__ see thee lie!
2. And gath_-ered all a -  bove
3. De_-cend  to__ us, we   pray,

   8     8    8    -10   9   9       -8   -6
1. A  -  bove thy  deep  and dream - less sleep
2. While mor_-tals sleep the an___ - gels keep
3. Cast  out  our  sin   and en___ - ter  in,

   -8    7     -7_7 8     -8     7___
1. The   si_ - lent stars go     by.
2. Their watch of__ won - d’ring love.
3. Be    born  in__ us    to  -  day

   8    8   8   -8    7       -7     -7
1. Yet, in  thy dark  streets shin – eth
2. O,  morn-ing stars  to  -  geth - er
3. We  hear the Christ-mas    an__ - gels

   -7  -6    -7   7      -8  8___
1. The ev  - er – last - ing light:
2. Pro-claim the  ho  -  ly  birth
3. The great glad tid – ings tell.

   8   8      8   8ob   8  9    -9   -6
1. The hopes  and fears of all  the  years
2. And praise-es  sing  to God, our  King,
3. Oh, come   to  us,   a- bide with us

   -10 9     7  8_   -8 7____  
1. Are met   in thee to-night.
2. And peace to men  on earth.
3. Our Lord  Em-an – u– el.

Original octave:

    5   5     5   4ob   5  6    -5 -3”
1.  O   Lit - tle Town  Of Beth-le-hem,
2. For Christ is  born  of Ma__ -  ry
3.  O   ho  - ly  Child of Beth-le-hem,

   -4  4     -3_4 -4  -2   5___
1. How still we__ see thee lie!
2. And gath_-ered all a - bove
3. De_-cend  to__ us, we  pray,

   5     5    5    -6    6   6       -5   -3”
1. A  -  bove thy  deep  and dream - less sleep
2. While mor_-tals sleep the an___ - gels keep
3. Cast  out  our  sin   and en___ - ter  in,

   -4    4     -3_4 5     -4     4___
1. The   si_ - lent stars go     by.
2. Their watch of__ won - d’ring love.
3. Be    born  in__ us    to  -  day

   5    5   5   -4    4       -3     -3
1. Yet, in  thy dark  streets shin – eth
2. O,  morn-ing stars  to  -  geth - er
3. We  hear the Christ-mas    an__ - gels

   -3  -3”   -3   4      -4  5___
1. The ev  - er – last - ing light:
2. Pro-claim the  ho  -  ly  birth
3. The great glad tid – ings tell.

   5   5      5   4ob   5  6    5    -3”
1. The hopes  and fears of all  the  years
2. And praise-es  sing  to God, our  King,
3. Oh, come   to  us,   a- bide with us

   -6  6     4  5    -4 4_____
1. Are met   in thee to-night.
2. And peace to men  on earth.
3. Our Lord  Em-an – u– el.


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